About Faculty of Management

 | Post date: 2017/08/27 | 

Faculty of Management at Kharazmi University was  approved by University Council's and Board of Trustee in 2013 .
The Faculty has been accepting students in Master and Doctoral Levels in Tehran campus since 20/2/2014. After integration of Economic Sciences University and Kharazmi University. Faculty of Management  has  been performing  with higher  potentials due to increased number of departments, programs, faculty members and students.
Right now, Faculty of Management has 3 professor,5 associate professors and 28 assistant professors and 1560 students were studying in three levels:  230 in Bachelors, 1150 in Masters and 180 in Doctoral programs.

  • Department of Educational Administration
  • Department of   Human Resource Management and business administration.
  • Department of Business Management
  • Department of   operation management and information technology.
  • Department of  Insurance, Banking  and Customs Management

Ten Years Vision

Faculty of Management with teaching, research and public services approach will be known as a model of producing, disseminating and presenting management services for development of  the country.

Missions and Strategic Orientations
The Faculty  makes  opportunities  for  nurturing  scientific  talents  in Iran with  respect to science's values  and establishing  justice.  On One hand,  it is committed  to  be ranked  as  the  first  faculty  of management at  national  level. On the other  hand,  this  faculty  plans  to  train students with high moral attitude and high academic ability and  to provide  new  science and  technologies  for  honor  and  success  of  Islamic Republic of Iran.   Faculty of Management  believes that achieving, transferring  and applying  knowledge  needs an environment  that in which  there are  quality, academic freedom, ,freedom of thought, human dignity and a supportive circumstance  for   the following missions of  teaching , research and social services:
  • Teaching mission with the goal of  training  educated, creative, free-thinkers, committed  and  responsible individuals for  all levels  of human needs in public  and  private  sectors.
  •   Research and social mission with  the aim  of  knowledge production,  dissemination, and accountability to the research   and technical  needs of the communities.

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