Brief CV
Email: sa_shahriari [AT]
Executive Activities
Executive Activities Titles
Name of Organization / comment
Starting Date
Termination Date
Theses supervised
Identifying the development barriers of businesses providing location based services:Iran case study
نیلوفر بهلولی
Investigating the impact of supply chain strategies on company performance
محمد زارعی
Customer Demand Forecasting with Machine Learning Algorithms to Achieve Alignment in Ecommerce Products and Market’s Requirement.
آرام جعفری
Investigating the Effect of Organizational Learning and Intellectual Capital on Strategic Entrepreneurship and the Performance of Knowledge Based Companies
مهناز حسینی
Explanation the role of Organizational Innovation and Social Capital in the relationship betwenn CSR and Performance of Financial Institute
محمد شهرابی فراهانی
Investigating the role of strategic entrepreunership and EntrepreneurialOrientation in the relationship between intellectual capital and performance of knowledge based firms of the universities of Tehran's science and technology parks
شیوا حسن زاده مصطفائی
Investigating the role of entrepreneurial alertness and orientation in relationship between entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneur's entrepreneurial intention (case study Tehran and Alborz province)
شیرین طالبی قباق تپه
Performance Evaluation Model and Choosing the Best Company and Strategic Coalition Based on a Combined Approach to Data Envelopment Analysis and Game Theory
امیر توکل هرندی
identification and ranking of effective factors on the success of academic research commercialization using network analysis process and dematel
لیما حسنی
An implementation's model of blue ocean strategy based on grounded theory
مریم مقیمی
Performance Evaluation of Six Region Private School in Tehran by Data Envelopment Analysis
ندا مجیدی
Investigating the Mediating Roles of Strategic Learning and Intellectual Capital in Relationship between the Strategic Entrepreneurship and Performance of Pharmaceutical Companies
ویدا صداقتی
Investigating the Mediating Role of Innovation in the relationship between Export Market Orientation and Intellectual Capital with Export Performance of Selected Export Companies of the Ministry of Industry and Mines and Trade
زهرا سلیمی فرد
Investigating the Mediating Role of Strategic Entrepreneurship and ambidexterity in the Relationship between Strategic Thinking and Corporate Performance
فاطمه رضائی
Investigating the Impact of dynamic and marketing capabilities on export performance of knowledge-based companies through organizational ambidexterity with moderating environmental uncertainty.
نیوشا جهانی
Financial Performance Evaluating of the Cement Industry Companies Listed in Stock Exchange Using Dynamic Network Data Envelopment Analysis
سالار احمدی نژاد
The Evaluation of Annual Efficiency of the Electricity Industry using Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) with the Emphasis on Export
شادی سامع ملکی
Mediating Role of Bricolage Entrepreneurship and Organizational Ambidexterity in the Relationship Between Intellectual Capital and Organizational Performance in Pharmaceutical Companies with Emphasis on the Moderating role of Uncertainty
مهتا موقر
Investing the mediating role of online advertising inthe impact of credibility and perception of advertising personalization on the behavioral intentions of digikala customers
الهام فخاری اسفریزی
Investigating the Effect of organizational ambidexterity on the relationship between Entreprenearial marketing and performance of Bartar Group Companies
مهرین نظری
Investigating the moderating role of risk-taking in the impact of creativity and entrepreneurial enthusiasm on the entrepreneurial intention of women entrepreneurs in Golestan province
ستاره ایری
Investigating the role of environmental turbulence moderator in the impact of dynamic capabilities and Ambidexterity on the performance of companies exporting electronic products
عزیزاله اکبری
The moderating role of innovative organizational culture in the effect of ambidexterity and knowledge sharing on the performance of knowledge-based companies.
افسر صارمی
Investigating the role of absorption capacity modulator in the impact of communication and marketing capabilities on the performance of food exporting companies in Iran
علی داد احمدی
A Multi Objective Network Data Envelopment Analysis Model for Performance Evaluation of Science and Technology Parks of Iran
عاطفه نوری
Explaining the relationship of sharing and knowledge absorption capacity with strategic entrepreneurship and the performance of startups
فاطمه نجفی
Identify and prioritize the factors affecting brand loyalty in the field of fashion change
داوود باشوکیان
Investigating the moderating role of organizational culture in the impact of intellectual capital on organizational agility with the mediating variable of knowledge absorption capacity in pharmaceutical companies
محمدهادی ابراهیمی
the role of environmental dynamic moderator in knowledge sharing and dynamic capabilities on the organizational ambidexterity of pharmaceutical companies
عبدالطیف عظیمی
The Moderating Role of Environmental Uncertainty in the Effect of Organizational Memory and Innovation on Performance of Pharmaceutical Companies.
عبدالخلیل علم
Assessing the moderators role of organizational voice in the effects of social responsibility on performance through green innovation and organizational citizenship behavior in auto parts companies
مهدی خوئینی
Investigating the role of moderator of knowledge sharing in the effect of business intelligence on the organizational ambivalence of investment companies in Iran
داریوش جان بابایی
Evaluating the performance of power plant companies with a mixed method of balanced scorecard and network data envelopment analysis
ارمان حکیم علوی
the moderating role of knowledge sharing in the impact of dynamic capabilities on the sustainability performance of businesses through green innovation
فرشاد ستوده نیا
Investigating the effect of strategic thinking and organizational ambidexterity on strategic agility with the moderating role of environmental uncertainty (case study: Pharmaceutical production and distribution industry in Tehran province)
زهرا خلج
The role of the moderator of environmental dynamics in the impact of strategic flexibility on the ambidexterity and performance of banking companies
فاطمه اساسی
Investigating the mediating role of innovation capacity and business networking in the effect of knowledge sharing on performance (case study: food industry)
فرزانه سلطانی
The Effect of Organisational Memory and Dynamic Capabilities on Organizational Ambidexterity: The Moderating Role of Environmental Dynamism
کیمیا مکرم دری
Evaluating the national innovation system (NIS) performance based on quadruple helix by using network data envelopment analysis
امیرحسین شایسته
Applying response surface methodology, RSM, in optimizing strategic objectives in performance appraisal using the Balanced Scorecard
زهرا لشگری
Portfolio selecting in the Tehran stock market using network data envelopment analysis
مهرافاق بیرجندی
Theses advised
The Study of the Impact of Marketing Capabilities on Export Performance with Emphasis on the Contingent Role of Ambidextrous Innovation
ریحانه رهبری فرد
ddfThe Survey Impact of Human Resource Flexibility on Organizational Entrepreneurship with the Role of Moderating the Organizational Culture in Active Productive Companies in Sanandaj
امیر اسفندیاری الوارسی
web application quality assessment the case study of Behestan Pakhsh Distributing application
زهرا نوربخش
Clarifying the role of entrepreneurial opportunity recognitition on the individual -level innovation performance
سعیده صیادی
The Effects of Intellectual Capital On Organizational Ambidexterity: Explanation of Moderating Role of Innovative Culture
سیده گلاره مصطفوی استرابادی
The relationship between knowledge management and strategic thinking with product innovation: The Case of Industrial Towns Companies of Sari
حبیب الله رهنما
Identification of factors influencing innovation in the lubricant production process and ranking of its manufacturing companies.
معصومه زارع نژاد
A study of valuation criteria of technological start-ups
محمدرضا رشیدی
Identifying and Prioritizing Entrepreneurial Values in Small and Medium Size Enterprise
مرضیه فرامرزیان
Designing a university value model at the Ministry of the Interior
ایوب گراوند
Identify and prioritize competencies of innovation leaders
احسان مهدی پور
investigate the effect of social Media marketing efforts on consumer response with the mediating role of brand equity
نیما ارضی
Investigating the Impact of Website Quality, Service Quality, and Brand Experience on Perceived Value and Repurchase Intention in the Online Food Industry
فاطمه ردایی
Investigating the role of the mediator of brand equity in the relationship between the sense of hostility and the image of the country of origin with the purchase intention
بهنام سعادتی
A Study of Social Media Content Strategy in Small and Medium Businesses
فائزه خدائی
the Effect of Export Competitive Strategies and Intangible Resources on Export Performance with the Intermediate Role of Dynamic Capabilities (Case Study: Tehran Province Food Industry)
داود گل محمدی
The Moderating Role of Experiential Learning Modes on The Relationship Between Empathy Dimensions and Value Co-Creation in Family Businesses
علی مکی ابادی
Investigating the factors affecting the firm performance focusing on the mediating role of e-marketing capabilities and business networks
امیر جباری
A Conceptualization of Employee Engagement Based on Gamification
پیمان اکبری
A Model of Ambidextrous Organization In the banking industry
کامران نظری
Applying Time Element in Business Model Canvas via using PMBOK STD
سیدجلال موسوی ترکمانی
investigating the e-government confidence in Tehran
علیرضا داوری ایردموسی
the effect of investor control on the performance of startups with the moderating role of expertise and experience
زهرا محمدی
Relationship between country of origin image and relationship quality on attitudinal and behavioral loyalty
جلیل امین زاده
Study of the effect of data quality and knowledge management dimensions on the success of electronic customer relationship management system(ecrm):a case study of bank mellat
سیدعلی موسوی ثابت
Study and analysis of the mission statement in three areas of consumption (B2C), commercial-industrial (B2B) and general.
قدرت الله آخندزاده
Investigating the impact of agility on organizational performance with the moderating role of environmental factors in small and medium-sized companies
مروین زکانی
Investigating the effect of the Hubris and Narcissism of the CEO on Entrepreneurial Orientation in Knowledge-based Companies: The Moderating Roles of the Manager's Experience and Gender.
هلیا برخوردار